Welcome to Noves Design Studio, where creativity and innovation come together to craft exceptional designs. At Noves, we are dedicated to delivering unique and captivating designs that elevate your brand and communicate your vision to the world. With a team of talented and experienced designers, we have a passion for creating visually stunning and functional designs that engage and inspire. Whether you're looking for a renovation, interior fit-out or constructing a new building, Noves Design Studio has the expertise and vision to bring your ideas to life. Let us help you bring your brand to the next level and leave a lasting impression on your customers. 
Get ready to experience the magic of Noves Design Studio!

NOVES is a studio for designers who think like artists

Our Services

  • The approach phase involves understanding the project’s context, goals, constraints, and potential opportunities This is the initial phase where architects and clients define the project’s vision, objectives, and overall direction Key steps in this phase include Project Brief, Site Analysis, Research and User Needs

  • The design phase involves translating the project’s objectives and context into conceptual and detailed design solutions This is where architects develop the visual and functional aspects of the project Key steps in this phase include Conceptual Development, Schematic Design, Design Development, and 3 D visualization

  • The customization phase involves tailoring the design to specific user needs, preferences, and project requirements This phase is particularly relevant for projects where personalization is important, such as residential or interior design Key steps in this phase include User Interaction, Material Selection and Interior Design

  • The build phase involves turning the approved design into a physical reality This is where construction professionals take over to bring the architectural vision to life Key steps in this phase includes Construction Documents, Contractor Selection, Construction Management and Project Completion

  • Once the project is complete, we'll conduct a final walk-through with you to ensure that you're completely satisfied with the result. We'll also provide you with a comprehensive maintenance guide to help you keep your space looking beautiful for years to come.

This list is just a starting point, and the exact steps may vary depending on the scope and complexity of your project. The most important thing is to work closely with you to ensure that you get the results you want.



The architecture philosophy of innovation and technology involves the principles, strategies, and approaches that guide the design and development of structures, systems and environments to facilitate and integrate innovate technologies This philosophy encompasses a multidisciplinary and forward looking perspective that aims to create spaces and solutions that not only address functional needs but also embrace the potential of emerging technologies to enhance user experiences, sustainability and efficiency


Incorporating sustainable practices and technologies is essential It promotes the use of renewable energy sources, efficient building materials, passive design strategies, and waste reduction to minimize the environmental footprint of structures


Architecture that aligns with this philosophy encourages experimentation and ongoing research This may involve testing new materials, prototyping, and exploring the potential of emerging technologies before widespread implementation

Make it stand out.